
Legend's Cafe. Apia Samoa.
It's crunch time for the One Million Stars project. Things are really starting to come together and lists of things to do are being checked, though I'm sure they get longer again. Hmmmm...
For Louise and I, this is something we want to do well, for all our amazing star weavers and supporters and to demonstrate in real time, our very best practise of leadership, collaboration and partnership.
I'm keeping this one short and sweet, because we'll be sharing as much as we can to help you feel like you're travelling with us. I just wanted to take a moment to name some of the things I'm grateful for, that keeps me uplifted, curious, inspired, committed, rejuvenated and happy. I love seeing posts on my social media feed about what people are grateful for.
In no particular oder, I am grateful to be alive at this time, with these incredible human beings.
My family. Mark and our children, our parents and extended family. It's tough being a parent. I feel like my heart breaks all the time seeing them grow, struggle and triumph. What a gift to have access to loving parents and extended family! Glad we're in this ride together fam.
Louise Doble. This journey has been a big one and I'm so grateful to have travelled with you. We got this!
Artists, film makers, performers and curators who continue to shine, love and contribute critical dialogue and food for our soul: Rosanna Raymond, Talweh Havini, Hot Brown Honey, Reko Rennie, Leecee Carmichael, Delvene Cockatoo-Collins, Lia'ifaiva, Ruth McDougal, Thaid Dhi, The Urale Family, Grace Lillian Lee, Lisa Reihana, Ai Wei Wei, Brook Andrews, Torika Bolatgici, Janelle Monae SO MANY MORE
Grateful for good food, pho soup, trees, ocean, music, fresh air, road trips, yoga, sessions in the gym with Mark, clear skies, rain and thunder storms, short films, trips back home to Samoa, travel and adventure and quiet. Grateful for friendships and making new ones. Grateful to learn and be stretched, to be challenged and remember what my values are. Grateful for prayer, spirituality and singing. Grateful for love in all it's shapes, sizes and colours. Grateful for the stars, that continue to shine and keep us nurtured as we go forward.
Hope you make time in your day to think about what you are grateful for.
x Maryann